All streets, alleys and common areas are property of the HOA and subject to HOA by-laws, rules and regulations. HOA homeowners, Non HOA homeowners and renters are required to abide by parking by-laws and regulations. Parking rules are in effect 24 hours a day-7 day a week.
Any vehicle in violation of the parking rules will receive a sticker placed on the driver side window. The sticker will provide notice of parking policy violation and will indicate the time allowed for owner/driver to move the vehicle to a proper and legal parking spot. If vehicle is moved no action will be taken.
Failure to move the vehicle will result in towing of vehicle at owner’s expense. There will be a picture taken of the vehicle, of the license plate of the vehicle, and of the sticker placed on the vehicle. This record will be kept on file with the Turtle Cove Property Management Company. If parking sticker issued on vehicle was in error, vehicle owner/homeowner should contact the HOA or Turtle Cove Property Manager as soon as possible.
Parking lots included within the Common area are for short-term visitors and guests and are not to be used by homeowners, homeowner’s tenants or their families residing within the properties.
Resident curbside parking is prohibited. Delivery vehicles, short-term guests and invitees may park curbside for the duration of their business or visit if it is less than one day. Otherwise they should park in the common area visitor spaces.
Guests parking overnight must display a completed temporary parking permit and hang it from their rearview mirror. Permits can be obtained from the Association Manager, Ginger Phillips or 972-359-1548.
“Short term visitor or guest” parking is limited to three consecutive days in designated parking areas where not otherwise prohibited by regulations. If their parking requirements are anticipated to exceed three days, arrangements for an exception to this policy may be made by contacting the property Management Company.
Any truck, bus, boat, trailer, mobile home, camp mobile, camper or any vehicle other than a conventional automobile shall, if brought within the properties, be stored, placed or parked within the garage of the appropriate owner or concealed from view from adjoining lots, common properties, or public streets unless approved in writing.
Homeowner Recreational Vehicles including towed, self-propelled or pickups with a camping structure may only be parked within the property for the loading, unloading or cleaning for a maximum of three consecutive days. Homeowners having visitors using recreational vehicles must coordinate parking arrangements with the Management Company. The request must be approved and documented by the Management Company. Exceptions to the parking policy, due to extenuating circumstances, may be authorized on a case by-case basis. Requests for exceptions should be directed to the Management Company and must be approved and documented by the Board of Directors. Parking Enforcement changes are effective at 12:01am on Monday September 25, 2017. Turtle Cove HOA Board of Directors Dated August 28, 2017
On street parking is restricted to approved deliveries, pickup or short time guests and invitees and shall be subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as shall be adopted by the Board of Directors.
Parking in driveways is permitted; provided, however, no inoperable vehicles, no stored vehicles, or vehicles not utilized daily shall be permitted to be parked in driveways.
Parking in parking lots included within the Common Properties is for short term visitors and guests and is not to be utilized by the Owners or such Owners’ tenants or their families residing within the Properties.
Amenity Center parking lot is available to members only while using the facilities or attending functions. Parking lots included within the Common area are for short-term visitors and guests and are not to be used by homeowners, homeowner’s tenants or their families residing within the properties.
“Short term visitor or guest” parking is limited to three consecutive days in designated parking areas where not otherwise prohibited by regulations. If their parking requirements are anticipated to exceed three days, arrangements for an exception to this policy may be made by contacting the property Management Company.
Resident curbside parking is prohibited. Delivery vehicles, short-term guests and invitees may park curbside for the duration of their business or visit if it is less than one day. Otherwise they should park in the common area visitor spaces.
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